Chuvirov Denis Gennadievich
Doctor of allergology and immunology.

Candidate of Medical Sciences. 

 Providing medical care in the field of "allergology-immunology".

Additional specialization: pediatrics.

Work experience:
Since 2000. 

1989-1995. - Russian State Medical University. Specialty: Pediatrics. 

1995-1997. - Residency in allergology and immunology, Russian State Medical University.

 Professional development courses:
Regular, every 5 years. Last:

2018 г. - Certification course in specialty "Pediatrics", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Advanced Training of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. The certificate is valid until 2023.

2017 г. - Certificate course in specialty "allergology and immunology", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Advanced Training "Institute of Professional Development of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency". The certificate is valid until 2022.
Chuvirov Denis Gennadievich
Chuvirov Denis Gennadievich



Pediatric Department, CDC

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